5G – The Next Generation
How would you like to be able to download a full HD movie instantly to you mobile device? According to scientists in South Korea experimenting with 5G this could become a possibility because they are saying that 5G is 1000 times faster than 4G. Whilst most UK users are in awe of what can be delivered by 4G it is interesting to know that development is being done on the next generation. The South Korean Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST) development is being carried out on a 5G network. £900m is being invested into the project with a projected launch in 2020. Last year Samsung carried out 5G tests and these have shown that it is possible to achieve 1Gbps mobile signal. The intention is to be able to have Ultra-HD streaming and hologram transmission. Beta Telecoms www.betatelecoms.co.uk
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December 2018
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