Why you need a wedding photographer.
So often these days I hear people say “Our friend/ uncle/ butcher/baker or candlestick maker is taking our wedding photos” This is really not a good idea. Yes, you may save quite a lot of money, but think about what you will lose. You will not have a quality, lasting memory of your special day. I’m hearing the “friend” line all the time at wedding fairs. Then I see the couple happily spending hundreds of pounds on other things, some of which you will hardly notice on the day, or will be gone by the end of the day. I’m not saying don’t buy the best cake you can afford, or the most beautiful flowers. I’m just saying, make sure you have the best photographic record of all those little details that you spent so much time planning. Book an experienced wedding photographer.
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Oh, to be inspired!
Being creative means to be receptive to inspiration in one way or another, and this asks the following of the artist: to determine the techniques and/or media to use in order to express the inspiration, and to be open to outside influences, such as colour, texture, sound, the spoken and written word, nature and the elements, human movement to name a few. Or is it the other way around? Once the channels for inspiration are opened, there is no end to the possibilities. One example I would like to give is that of a range of jewellery I started creating in 2011, after a holiday in Tenerife. I had been to this island many times before, and so knew the landscape and colours, the climate and even a small amount of the language. I had also started to learn to dance Salsa a couple of years before. Through those experiences I had become very relaxed about the environment, and so could let things flow, regarding designing new jewellery. The basic ideas were already there, I just added movement and colour to the design in mind. In nature there is no end to the shapes, colours and textures to explore. Many jewellers create pieces inspired by the seaside, water, pebbles. Trees and flowers can be used in an incredible variety of forms, abstract or representational. Next time you go out in the garden, or the woods, take some time to discover the myriad of designs there are to be found. Don't under estimate the power of customer testimonials
Testimonials are simply another form of word of mouth – except in written form and can be used in a variety of ways, for example – on websites, quotes to customers, on fliers. What your existing customers say about you will shout much louder than what you say about yourself. How do we receive them? – Simple, just ask! 99% of customers will say yes When you complete a job ask your customer to write you a testimonial. Have a pen and paper handy, email them requesting one or whatever suits best. Tell them you would really appreciate it and it will help your business. This is a win/win situation – your customer will feel good about themselves because they have helped someone, you will gain kudos for your business and you will have made it easier for potential clients to check you out. Keep testimonials up to date....you can never have too many! Remember – Testimonials cost nothing, and can mean the difference between getting the job/contract or not. Practice your introduction
Studies of people going for job interviews have shown that 80 per cent of interviewers make their mind up about the person in the first four minutes of the interview. Whilst the sales scenario is a little different, those first four minutes are still vitally important. It is in this time that you either will bond with the prospect, or you won’t. If you don’t bond with them, then they are going to be incredibly hard to sell to. In which case it makes sense to do whatever you can to ensure those first four minutes go as well as possible, doesn’t it? You can’t predict how the prospect will react when you first meet them. Some people will be warm and welcoming, some will be initially resistant, and some will deliberately try to wrong foot you. Therefore, you should practice your introduction very carefully, so that you can deliver it perfectly every time, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in. Don’t be one of those people who prefer to be “spontaneous” when they first meet a prospect. None of the world’s top salespeople are. WHO CARES! – AM I BOVVERED – CAN WE FIX IT
YES WE CAN!!! Do you know that there are around 20,000 people in the UK suffering from dementia and in need of care? This is a problem that employers cannot ignore. Indeed the government is calling for employers to make allowances for employees who have care responsibilities, whilst trying to hold down a job at the same time. I know that many businesses, especially small to medium ones, groan when they get a request in for “flexible working” – as this can put a massive strain on their resources. Sadly though, with our aging population in the UK, this is something which is likely to affect many employees who will possibly not be in a position to be able to afford private care for their loved ones. Simple tasks that most of us take for granted, like getting dressed in the mornings can turn into a tricky task for someone suffering with dementia. For their carers, this in itself is a stressful and situation, couple this with worrying about asking for time off from work and/or juggling with other family responsibilities – when you look at them all, you could well be facing your employee suffering with and taking time off for stress. However, there are many ways that employers can help. It could be something as simple as allowing your employee to come in to work an hour later, making up that time at the end of the day – changing the contract of employment to allow for a different work pattern; etc. The end result of employers being more flexible; caring and understanding can be most beneficial for everyone involved. You get a more productive and appreciative employee, and they can manage their working life better. The most satisfaction I get in my working life as a professional HR Consultant, is helping employers and employees to achieve a Win-Win in any given situation where possible – and this one seems like a no-brainer to me! Sandy Green HR Dept (Herefordshire) |
December 2018
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